Heath West
Heath West at Galleri Urbane, Dallas, TX
Los Angeles-based contemporary artist and ex architect, Heath West, explores the parallel universes between art and architectural design. Created in range of bold and calm palettes, West’s architectural compositions teleport the viewer into a quiet and vacant world reminiscent of a bygone era of design.
“Speaking in terms of architecture and urban design, accepted capitalism is synonymous with corporate modernism, a global design trend predictable for its value-engineered material palettes and economical proportions. In the building industry, the architect’s function has often been reduced to that of a contractor offering only the basest of services (construction drawings), while the clients (corporations, developers) assume the role of project designer, making all visual environments into a business opportunity. Design complacency is a dangerous pastime, where the only remedy is a vision of Utopia, a place in the future filled with hope.”
Heath West at The Cabin, Los Angeles, CA
Despite being formed from the imaginary, his paintings are massively inspired by his photographs. Occasionally, West goes as far as using photographic elements to create the buildings “outside” or in the background space of the image.
West highlights detailed materials in his works, such as brick, wood slats or wallpaper, determined from photographs, but always changes them in someway throughout his steps to his finished work.
West ventures out for inspiration, as an organic process for his pieces, that begins with camera. In his backyard, Los Angeles, there is plenty for Heath to find, when it comes to architectural inspiration. “There are so many amazing buildings all over the place with beautiful details, so I take a lot of photos to document them.”
Over time, Heath West started to expand the sizes of his works, to what we now see as massive works, that transport the viewer into the the room that the piece embodies. “They feel more conceptually accurate to me,” explains West while discussing his reasons for working at an increasingly larger size. Now, he’s slowed down his process to focus more of craftsmanship – making all his frames in the studio. “I feel like they turn out much stronger.”
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